Speaking Events
2and3D Photography 2024, “Immersive Narratives: Best Practices for 3D Storytelling”
Smithsonian Digital Day 2024, Pecha Kucha
DCPS Visual Art Teachers Professional Development Day (February 2024), “A New Dimension to Education”
Towson University Alumni Career Panel (January 2024)
MuseWeb 2023, “Dazzling Data: Methods to Engage the Public with Online Museum Resources”
Siggraph 2023, “Making a Digital Double of Alan Shepard's Space Suit”
Smithsonian Digitization Conference 2022, “Introduction to 3D Scanning”
Smithsonian Affiliates Virtual Conference 2022, “3D Digitization with Girlhood: It's Complicated”
Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) 2020
PEEPS Exhibit Sharefair 2019, “Command Module Sites Traveling Exhibit 3D Kiosk”
ICOMON 2019, coauthor presentation of 3D digitized Numismatics
Spacefest 2019, Smithsonian booth presenting Apollo 11 3D scans
Girls in Aviation Day 2019, Smithsonian booth sharing aviation 3D data with youths
PEEPS Exhibit Sharefair 2018, “Digitizing Ivory Tusks from the National Museum of African Art”
Makerfaire 2016, “3D scanning the Apollo 11 Command Module”
Makerfaire 2014, “Digital Technology in Smithsonian Exhibits”
International Mountmaker Forum 2014, “3D Printing for Mountmaking”